Jiahui Health (HK) is a general practice clinic located in the central district of Hong Kong, providing high quality outpatient medical services for businesses and residents.It includes routine disease diagnosis and treatment, specimen examination, imaging examination, specialist disease referral and high-end physical examination, etc.

    VIP Executive Premium services: Hong Kong's exclusive private doctors will work to understand your health status and provide customized medical solutions, medical services, and communicate with you personally on all medical matters within a reasonable range. They will assist and directly provide care, so as to make offline medical treatment more accurate and efficient, and our access to the green channel service of Hong Kong hospitals allows you enjoy international medical services.

    Oncology Service:Jiahui International Cancer Center has established a long term strategic partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital to develop comprehensive cancer services in China. We can provide the advanced personalized precision cancer care based on international standards, including cancer screening, diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and supportive and palliative care.

    Opening Hours:

    Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm

    Saturday, 9am - 12noon

    By appointment only


    6/F Hing Wai Building,36 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong


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