Jiahui Health (Yangpu) is the second clinic opened by Jiahui Health, situated in the emerging urban hub of Yangpu in northeast Shanghai. Jiahui Health (Yangpu) provides quality, convenient, and timely healthcare services to people living and working in the surrounding area.

    Jiahui Health (Yangpu) Clinic, the second comprehensive outpatient clinic opened by Jiahui, is situated in the emerging urban hub of Yangpu in northeast Shanghai. Jiahui Health (Yangpu) Clinic provides high-quality, convenient, and timely healthcare services to people living and working in the surrounding area.

    It offers a broad complement of services, including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Dentistry, Dermatology, ENT, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anesthesiology, Laboratory, Medical Imaging, Cosmetics, Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology, etc. In addition, its Medical Imaging Center is equipped with state-of-the-art CT and MRI technology. The clinic has an outpatient day surgery center with three 10,000 Grade operating rooms, allowing for various day surgery procedures including gastroenteroscopy, pediatric surgery, gynecological surgery, cosmetic surgery, and orthopedic surgery. Through a strategic collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital's medical team, Jiahui Health (Shanghai Yangpu) Clinic brings international-standard healthcare to China.


    Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday, 9am - 6pm

    Address: 1F/2F, Suite 3, 99 Jiangwancheng Road, Shanghai


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