Jiahui Health (Jing’an) Clinic is the first outpatient clinic that was opened by Jiahui Health. It is conveniently located in the downtown district of Jing'an and has consistently dedicated itself to providing high-quality, convenient, and timely medical services to the surrounding local and international communities.

    Jiahui Health (Jing'an) Clinic was opened to the public in April 2016. It provides a range of outpatient services, including Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Mental Health, Dentistry, Ophthalmology, ENT, Rehabilitation, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as a series of medical imaging and medical examination services, such as mammograms for breast cancer screening.

    Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday, 9am - 6pm

    Address: 88 Changshu Road


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