TIAN Wen(External Specialist), MD, PhD

    • Department:
      • Vascular Surgery & Varicose Vein Clinic
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  English

    Specialties: Lower extremity venous diseases, varicose veins, venous ulcers (chronic leg ulcers), vasculitis, venous thrombosis, iliac vein stenosis, and compression.

    Dr. TIAN Wen is currently a multi-site practicing physician at Jiahui Health, specializing in the minimally invasive daytime treatment of varicose veins. Trained under the renowned vascular surgery expert Professor Jing Zaiping, Dr. Tian has 10 years of experience in the varicose veins specialty group at Shanghai Changhai Hospital. He is one of the earliest doctors in China to perform daytime local anesthesia surgeries for varicose veins. Currently, he is a member of the venous group in the vascular surgery department at Shanghai First People's Hospital, having completed over 10,000 varicose vein surgeries. His expertise ranges from cosmetic treatments for minor "spider veins" to severe venous ulcers, and from congenital venous malformations to recurrent varicose veins, with a comprehensive treatment system and extensive experience. His primary focus is on the diagnosis and treatment of lower extremity venous reflux diseases and their complications. Dr. Tian has led one Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission fund project and one hospital-level fund project, participated in four National Natural Science Foundation projects, co-authored several academic works including Endovascular Surgery and Devices, and published two SCI papers and two core journal papers in China. He holds a domestic utility model patent and has experience in medical-engineering collaboration, serving as the chief medical consultant for several medical device innovation companies. Dr. Tian has also participated in academic exchanges at Lukas Hospital in Düsseldorf, Germany, the Medical School of the University of Bonn, and the vascular surgery department at Martha Maria Hospital in Nuremberg, and has trained foreign doctors from five countries.

    Professional Affiliations:
    • Member and Secretary of the Venous Reflux Disease Expert Committee, Chinese Medical Doctor Association
    • Member of the Venous Disease Professional Committee, China Senior Citizens Health Association
    • Member of the Doctor Group Branch, Chinese Non-Governmental Medical Institutions Association
    • Council Member of the Intelligent Diagnosis and Treatment Branch of Chinese and Western Surgery, China Information Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine
    • Member of the Vascular Surgery Branch, Shanghai Medical Association


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