LYU Yubo, MD, PhD

    • Department:
      • Medical Imaging
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  English

    Dr. LYU Yubo is an associate chief radiologist in Jiahui Health. He received a bachelor’s degree in clinical medicine from Taishan Medical University, and Ph.D. in imaging and nuclear medicine from Shandong University School of Medicine. Dr. Lyu completed two years Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Radiology Department of Johns Hopkins Hospital funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC) and a Non-Employee Observership Physician of Massachusetts General Hospital. Prior to joining Jiahui Health, Dr. Lyu has 13 years' work experience of diagnostic medical imaging and imaging-guided interventional work at Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute, specializing in conventional medical imaging/radiology diagnostics, imaging-guided biopsy and minimally invasive treatment. Besides, Dr. Lyu provides medical imaging/radiology consulting, answers to the questions about radiological report, reasonable recommendations for further check and treatment and short radiological education for the subject concerned by patient.

    He is a Member of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), also is member of several national-level academic groups in China (CSR, CMDA, CRHA). Dr. Lyu has published several professional articles in the SCI indexed international journals, such as INVESTRADIOL and EUR RADIOL as first author, and a book of Magnetic Resonance Imaging-guided Micro-invasive Diagnosis and Treatment as a chief author/editor. Also, he presented several times in the annual conferences of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) as a speaker.


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