• Department:
      • Pediatrics
      • Height and Sexual Development Clinic
      • Children's Allergy Clinic
      • 6-13 Children's Development Assessment
      • 0-6 Children's Development Assessment
    • Location:
      • Jiahui Health (Hangzhou)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  English

    With 28 years of experience in pediatric clinical and child health care, Dr. LI Lu has a deep understanding of various fields. She has published several papers in core academic journals, served as a pediatrician training lecturer for Dingxiang Health, held many live popular science broadcasts, won the Most Popular Doctor Award in 2017, and the Most Popular Science Writer in 2021. She is currently a specialist in pediatrics audit for DX Doctor, and an expert in collaboration of Dingxiang Mama and DX Doctor. As a child-rearing blogger of Xiaohongshu(a lifestyle APP platform), with wide-ranging clinical experience and professional knowledge, she has help solving 100000+ baby-parenting problems.
    Dr. Li is highly skilled at dealing with child growth issues, including child development assessment, height management, precocious puberty, nutrition, exercise and behavior. She is also experienced in diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory system, immune system (including asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic cough, food allergy, and eczema), digestive system, urinary system and children's common skin diseases.


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