• Department:
      • Cosmetic Dermatology
    • Location:
      • Jiahui Health (Hangzhou)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  English

    Dr. WANG Lei graduated with a Master’s Degree. She holds the license of cosmetologist in Zhejiang Province, and is a member of the Professional Committee of Injection Beauty Arts, Medical Beauty and Art Branch of China Plastic and Beauty Association, and a member of the Sub-professional Committee of Minimally Invasive Bio-kinetic Therapy of China Plastic and Cosmetic Association. Dr. Wang specializes in laser treatment of various pigmentation, vascular skin diseases, as well as various acne, facial sensitivity, hormone-dependent dermatitis and other damaged skin diseases photoelectric treatment, focusing on laser, radio frequency, photo-electricity, injection, filling and other comprehensive approaches to facial rejuvenation.


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