Lena LI, MD

    • Department:
      • Pediatrics
      • Pediatric Neurology
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  English

    Dr. LI Xuelian is a pediatrician in Jiahui Health. Dr. LI received her Clinical Master's Degree in Anhui Medical University in June 2016. After graduation, she worked in pediatric Internal Medicine and pediatric Neurology Department of Anhui Children's Hospital and engaged in pediatric clinical work for nearly 10 years, research interests are autoimmune encephalitis. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric neurological diseases such as epilepsy, status epilepticus, tic disorders, headache and dizziness, CNS infections, CNS demyelinating disorders, acute myelitis, cerebrovascular disorders in children, movement disorders, and neurological hereditary diseases, etc. She is especially good at the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy syndrome and autoimmune encephalitis, and is also good at analyzing the report of electroencephalogram.


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