




    395 Doctors

    Crystal HUA, MD, MPH

    Family Medicine
    Health Management Center
    Specialist Clinic(Geriatric)
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    普通话,  English,  沪语
    Doctor's bio

    Dr. Crystal HUA serves as a Physician in the Department of Family Medicine at Jiahui Health. She is double U.S. board-certified in family medicine and geriatric medicine. Dr. Hua received her medical degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, previously known as Shanghai Second Medical University, and then worked as a pediatric surgeon at Shanghai Xinhua Hospital. She completed her family medicine residency in the United States at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and completed her fellowship in geriatric medicine at the Institute on Aging at the University of Florida College of Medicine. At the University of Florida, Dr. Hua served as a Clinical Assistant Professor, Medical Education Director in Geriatric Medicine, and Medical Director at Oak Hammock Retirement Community in Gainesville, Florida. She received her master’s in public health with a concentration in communicable diseases from the University of South Florida. Dr. Hua has also been a certified family medicine practitioner in Hong Kong since 2003.

    Dr. Hua provides a range of clinical services for patients of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, and other backgrounds. She has extensive clinical experience in preventive care, chronic diseases, women's health, and healthcare management in skilled nursing rehabilitation facilities and nursing homes.

    Dr. Hua specializes in working with geriatric populations with conditions such as frailty syndrome, adverse reactions to medication, gait and balance impairments, memory impairment, osteoporosis, and androgen deficiency, as well as mental health conditions such as delirium, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Her goal as a primary care physician is to offer her patients continuity of care and to help them achieve the best possible health outcomes, a better quality of life, and independence through shared decision-making and self-management.

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    NIU Lei, MD, PhD

    Adult Fever
    Urgent Care
    Rabies Prevention and Vaccination
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    普通话,  English
    Doctor's bio

    Dr. NIU Lei serves as attending Physician in the Emergency Department of Jiahui International Hospital. He obtained his medical degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and later worked in Changhai Hospital (Affiliated to Second Military Medical University). Since 2015, he served as a physician in emergency ICU in Xinhua Hospital (Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine). He contributed to several books related to emergency specialty and published 8 core journals in both Chinese and English. He has many years of clinical front-line work experience and has accumulated vast professional proficiency in ICU and emergency care. Dr. Niu is particularly skilled in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques including tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, central venous catheterization, hemodynamic monitoring, continuous renal replacement therapy etc.

    Dr. Niu holds American Heart Association (AHA) Certificates in Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) as well as International Certificate in Trauma Life Support, and a U.S. National Certificate in Disaster Life Support.

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    BAO Juan(External Specialist), MD

    Hospital Medicine
    Phage Therapy Clinic
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    Doctor's bio





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    CHEN Shiyi(External Specialist), MD,PhD

    Sports Medicine Service
    General Orthopedics
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    Doctor's bio



    陈教授于1982年浙江医科大学毕业,之后于北京医科大学和上海医科大学联合培养获运动医学硕士学位,师从顾玉东院士获复旦大学骨外科学博士学位。陈教授从事运动医学科近40年,在中国自主产权人工韧带研发和应用方面享国际声誉,首创膝前交叉韧带类等长重建技术,20余次受邀国际大会发言;他在肩关节巨大肩袖撕裂手术方面的创新技术被国外同道誉为Chinese way并被广泛采用。他重视运动康复,在国内优先倡导"功能至上、早期康复、重返运动”作为骨科运动医学治疗宗旨。 现任复旦大学运动医学研究所所长,华山医院运动医学科学科带头人,兼任上海市人民政府参事、中央保健办会诊专家。


    - 中华医学会运动医疗分会主任委员
    - 中国骨科医师协会运动医学专委会和关节镜专委会主委
    - 亚太膝关节-关节镜-运动医学会(APKASS)主席
    - 中国非公医疗机构协会运动医学与运动康复专委会创始主委
    - 国际关节镜-膝关节-骨科运动医学学会(ISAKOS)全球核心执委
    - "美国运动医学杂志(AJSM)"编委。

    陈教授是上海首批百人计划和浦江人才成员、国家863人工韧带项目首席专家、国家科技部创新团队运动创伤与修复核心成员。作为中国人工韧带发明人,他拥有发明专利27项,已成功转化并完成中国人工韧带多中心临床试验,临床效果优 秀。获973、863、国重、国自然等10余项国家基金2500多万资助, 发表学术论文341篇(SCI 140篇),主编(译)副主编专著31本,其中主编国内第一部《现代骨科运动医学》获第十六届上海图书奖一等奖、“实用运动处方-医生教程”等专著。作为运动医学著 名导师,他共培养了百余名硕士、博士和博士后研究生,700余名骨科运动医学进修医生,获2019年复旦大学优 秀导学团队唯 一医科获奖导师。先后获“国家科技进步二等奖(2020)”、“中华医学二等奖(2019)”、“中国康复医学会科学技术奖一等奖(2017)”等10余项科技奖。先后被授予国际运动医学关节镜领域最高荣誉"Takagi- Watanabe(高木—渡边)奖"、“2014 亚太-美国运动医学院旅行院士及教父”、“第四届国之大医.卓越建树”奖、“第九届吴介平-保罗.杨森奖”、“世界内镜杰出领袖奖”、“华山医院首届杰出贡献奖”、“华山最高人才奖-华峰奖”等荣誉。他连续18年担任国际汽联F1赛车中国首席医务官,创建中国赛车医疗救援体系,制定并编写三本国家赛车运动医疗保障规则与标准,担任中国汽摩运动联合会医学委员会主席;担任伦敦奥运会中国奥委会医务官与里约奥运会医务专家,2019年担任“第七届世界军人运动会”医疗官; 他是刘翔、邹市明、徐莉佳、毛剑卿、董瀚麟、陈赫、东方比利等众多文体名人的主治医生。2021年,他被国家体育总局授予全国群体先进个人称号。

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    ZHANG Feng

    Jiahui Health (Suzhou)
    Doctor's bio

    Dr. ZHANG Feng graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, majoring in Clinical medicine. Now he is the deputy chief physician of Rehabilitation Department of Jiahui Medical Center. He has served as deputy chief physician of the military system medical technology and has worked in high-end private clinics in Shanghai. He has more than 10 years of clinical experience in rehabilitation medicine and medical imaging and radiation therapy.
    Dr. Zhang specializes in diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of common orthopedic diseases, chronic pain, neurological and health management.

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    SUN Jian(External Specialist), MD, PhD

    Surgical Oncology
    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    普通话,  English
    Doctor's bio

    Professor SUN Jian (MD,PhD) has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research in the field of oral and maxillofacial-head and neck tumors. In particular, it enjoys a reputation in radical surgery, postoperative defect repair and functional reconstruction. It has taken the lead in successfully carrying out a number of difficult, functional and pioneering surgeries in China.

    He has won the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education (the first winner), the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress (the second winner in 2019, the fourth winner in 2007). He edited and published monograph on head and neck functional surgery in China, Maxillofacial Functional Surgery. He also has undertaken a number of National Natural Science Foundation projects and provincial and ministerial projects, and has published more than 160 papers, including more than 60 SCI papers.

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    Pinky WU, MD

    Pediatric Wellness Checkup
    Pediatric Fever consultation
    JIAHUI HEALTH (Shenzhen FuTian)
    普通话,  English,  粵語,  客家话
    Doctor's bio

    Dr. Pinky WU serves as an attending pediatrician at Jiahui Health. Dr. Wu graduated from Guangzhou Medical University with a master's degree in pediatrics in 2009. After graduation, she has worked in the tertiary hospital affiliated to the University for 10 years. She has been to Queen Mary Hospital of Hong Kong for further study in pediatrics and received the training of AHA advanced life support. Prior to joining Jiahui, Dr. Wu served as senior pediatrician at Shenzhen Hospital of the University of Hong Kong and evidence-based medical institutions. She is good at the diagnosis and treatment of children's common internal diseases, especially in the diagnosis of children's hematological diseases (such as leukemia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, etc.), long-term management and follow-up, children's health and preventive health care.

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    Vicky LEE, MD, PhD

    Medical Oncology
    Palliative Care
    Genetic counseling
    Cancer Pain Management Clinic
    Cancer Gentics Clinic
    Medical Oncology(Solid Tumor)
    Medical Oncology (Hematology)
    International Cancer Consultant
    Cancer Center (Follow-up Consultation Only)
    Hepatobiliary Tumor MDT Clinic
    Colorectal Tumor MDT Clinic
    CAR-T Clinic
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    普通话,  English
    Doctor's bio

    Dr. Vicky LEE, MD, PhD is Director of Jiahui International Cancer Center (JICC) and Chief of Medical Oncology at JICC, and she has over 30 years of experience in the cancer research and clinical care field. She is an internationally well-known expert in medical oncology, hematology and cancer risk assessment. Dr. LEE has worked 3 years for Peking University First Hospital, and then went to Kyoto University School of Medicine (Japan) and New York University School of Medicine (United States) for further study in breast cancer research and cancer immunology research. Before joining Jiahui Health, Dr. LEE worked in medical oncology for over 20 years in the United States. Since 1995 in US, she has been board certified in American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), American Board of Hematology and American Board of Medical Oncology. She received Certificate of Intensive Course in Cancer Genetic Risk Assessment at City of Hope in 2018. She also has Oregon State Medical License and Washington State Medical License.

    Dr. LEE is currently a board member of the Washington State Society of Medical Oncology (WSMOS), and is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Society of Hematology (ASH), and the Oregon Society of Medical Oncology (OSMO).

    With solid knowledge and professional training in USA, clinical experience in treating cancer patients, Dr. LEE is familiar with advanced international techniques in cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. She is skilled in the treatment of rare and complex cancers, and is adept at communicating with patients and their families. Dr. Vicky LEE always encourages patients to participate in decision making of cancer treatment plan with doctors, as this will enhance patients’ understanding of the disease. Hence, they will corporate well with the treatment plan and achieve better outcome. Dr. LEE cares about patients’ quality of life and good at manage patients’ cancer pain through standardized and individualized treatment plans.

    Dr. LEE specializes in hematology and oncology treatment including but not limited to:

    · Treatment of solid tumor, special interest in breast cancer, melanoma, colon cancer, and lung cancer.
    · Management of blood tumors, especially in myeloma and lymphoma.
    · Diagnosis and treatment of benign hematological diseases involving antithrombotic therapy and management of myeloproliferative disorders, MDS.
    · Cancer Genetics consultation and cancer risk assessment.
    · Palliative Care and Management of cancer pain.

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    LU Yunshu(External Specialist), MD, PhD

    Benign Breast Disease
    Breast Cancer Clinic
    Breast Oncology Surgery & Reconstruction
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    Doctor's bio

    Dr. LU Yunshu serves as a multi-site physician of Breast Institute at Jiahui Health and Associate Chief Physician of Breast Surgery Department at Xinhua Hospital, affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine.

    Dr.Lu is the Master's Supervisor at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, the Standing Committee member of Shanghai Medical Women's Association Breast Society, the Youth Committee member of Shanghai Anticancer Association Breast Cancer Society, as well as the Youth Committee member of Chinese Society of Breast Surgeons. She is also the Secretary of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Health Committee Breast Disease Group. Dr. Lu went for a visiting scholar in Breast Surgery Department of Shanghai Cancer Hospital and Breast Center of Klinikum St. Georg Hospital Leipzig, Germany.

    u has been specialized in breast surgery for over 20 years, and is specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease. Dr.Lu has extensive expertise in the early diagnosis and standardized comprehensive treatment of benign and malignant breast tumors. She respects the medical concept of "scientific treatment, humanistic care".

    Dr.Lu specializes in breast surgery including minimally invasive resection of benign breast tumors, axillary excision, modified radical mastectomy, oncoplastic breast conservation, and implant-based breast reconstruction after mastectomy, endoscopic breast surgery, etc.

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    Robert RAN, MD,PhD

    Health Management Center
    Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    普通话,  English
    Doctor's bio

    Dr. Robert RAN currently serves as an Otolaryngologist at the Health Management Center at Jiahui Health. Dr. Ran received his Bachelor of Medicine from Henan Medical University, as well as his Master of Medicine and doctoral degree from Zhengzhou University and Fudan University Shanghai Medical College. After graduating, Dr. Ran took on clinical work in the otolaryngology department at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University and the Eye and E.N.T Hospital of Fudan University. Dr. Ran also worked in the otolaryngology department of the Central Hospital of Minhang District, Shanghai.

    Dr. Ran is board certified by the Chinese Medical Association branch of Otolaryngology. With 20 years of clinical experience, Dr. Ran is highly experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases within the field of otolaryngology, particularly nasal diseases.

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