1. Make appointment

    • For Jiahui Hospital patient:Our staff will make the appointment for you in person.

    • For Satellite Clinics patient:We will make an appointment for you through phone call (53393278).

    If you cannot come for the examination, or want to reschedule, please inform us to cancel it before 15:00, one working day before examination. Otherwise, you will have to bear the cost for the imaging agent.

    2. Check in (At front desk of Medical Imaging Center)

    • You can eat and drink as usual.

    • It might be better to wear pure cotton clothes and remove metal objects, so we can get images more clearly.

    • Please bring your past medical record to our department because we need the medical history for correct diagnosis. (MRI/CT/Ultrasound/SPECT, blood tests, etc.)

    3. Prepare

    The imaging agent for this procedure is  99mTc-MAA  . To test patency of the intravenous line, 10 to 20 ml of normal saline will be injected.

    4. Examination

    • Our technician will guide you to the examination room.

    • The drug will be injected by a nurse while you are on the examination table.

    • This procedure will last for about 30 minutes. You should remain still.

    • Generally, relatives are not allowed to enter the examination room.

    • Leave only after being informed by our staff (generally within 15 minutes after examination). Occasionally, more images are obtained for clarification or better visualization of certain areas or structures. If you have any question, please feel free to ask us.

    • Please drink more water to reduce the radioactivity in your body.

    5. Report

    • The report will be ready within one working day after the examination.

    • You can get the report from your clinician.


    1. Caution should be exercised in Children and lactating women while use this scan. If you are (or think you may be) pregnant, please tell our staff.

    2. We use radioactive material for this test. The low dose radioactivity is safe.

    3. Through the natural process of radioactive decay, the small amount of radiotracer in your body will lose its radioactivity over time. It may also pass out of your body through your urine or stool during the first few hours or days following the examination.

    4. On the day of the examination, people who accompany you will receive low dose radiation, but this radiation dose is small and will cause no risk.

    Nuclear Medicine Examination Warm Prompt

    1. Except myocardial perfusion scan and radionuclide ventriculography, a fasting state is not needed before examination. You could eat whatever you like.

    2. It might be better to wear pure cotton clothes and remove metal objects, so we can get images clearly.

    3. If you have hypertension or diabetes, the relevent medications you take will not affect this examination.

    4. After injection, you need to rest quietly for a period of time, or may be longer. Please be patient and you can also bring some food to spend time.

    5. We are very sorry for that you need to wait in a specific room and cannot walk around after injection. Thank you for your cooperation.

    6. We will call you at 15:00-16:00 the working day before the examination for confirmation, then we will order the medicine for you. If you cannot come on time for some reason, please contact us before 15:00 of the previous working day to cancel the appointment or change the date. If you cannot show up on the day of examination after confirmation, you will be billed according to the drug wastage policy.

    7. In order to better understand your condition, it might be better to bring other relevant examination reports (such as blood, CT, MR, ultrasound, etc.). The examination report will be completed within one working day.



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