
    As an international healthcare provider, Jiahui Health has always had a global perspective, collaborating with academic and medical institutions from around the world.

    Beginning in February this year, Jiahui Health and MIT Sloan School of Management jointly launched a research project on the commercial applications of frontier medical technology. The four-month investigation is being led by a team of eight from China and the United States, including physicians, business managers, and strategic analysts, representing a wide spectrum of expertise from across the international medical industry.

    A recent visit from representatives of Sloan Business School to Jiahui International Hospital brought further exchanges and seminars on cutting-edge research into medical technology. After the meeting, the team was invited to tour the hospital. “I didn’t expect so see a hospital with such advanced facilities in Shanghai,” said one participant.

    Members of the visiting team also commented that they expect Jiahui Health to become a solid foundation in China for a deepening cooperation within the international medical industry. Clearly, there is a lot of innovation still to come, and Jiahui Health aims to be right at the forefront of that frontier. 


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