Adult Eye Health Screening
Our eyes are like a display screen reflecting our overall state of health. For adults, a comprehensive eye examination should be done once a year. This not only allows quick discovery of all kinds of eye health problems, but also assists in the diagnosis of systemic diseases, including brain tumors, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver disease, and other chronic diseases through fundus examination and other checks. Immediately reducing the risk of these diseases and controlling their development can avoid irreversible damage to the eyes.
• Adult eye health screening package
¥1,600 (Retail price: ¥3,100)
• Specialist consultation with report analysis
Your specialist will talk with you to gain an understanding of your general state of health and family history of eye disease. If relevant risk factors are present, your doctor will focus on carrying out relevant checks for a thorough assessment.
• Visual acuity
A vision in both eyes is performed, evaluating vision changes and corrected visual acuity.
• Stereo acuity
A check for skewed vision or other stereoscopic functional problems.
• Ocular alignment/mobility test
A check for eye muscle function to assist in the diagnosis of recessive strabismus.
• Slit lamp examination
An examination of the ocular anterior segment, conjunctiva, and cornea for disease and assessment of the degree of dry eyes.
• Auto refraction
Auto refraction results are used to assess eye refraction. For myopia, long-sightedness, or astigmatisms, corrective treatment is recommended to avoid continued deterioration of vision.
• Intraocular Pressure (NCT)
A check for intraocular pressure can exclude eye inflammation, glaucoma, and other eye diseases through differential diagnosis.
• Fundus examination
For early detection of optic nerve and retinal abnormalities, lesions (macular degeneration, retinal degeneration), and tumors.
• Fundus photography
Advanced non-mydriatic fundus photography is used for comprehensive examination and recording of the retina and its posterior layers, creating eye health records for follow-up visits. Fundus photography is also important for early discovery and treatment of minute lesions.
*Special prices valid till 31, 2020.
*PleasePackage prices not applicable to insurance payments.
To schedule your appointment or for more information, please call 400-868-3000.