WANG Xi, MD,外院(External Specialist)

    • Department:
      • Plastic Surgery
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:
      普通话,  Français

    Dr. WANG Xi, Associate Chief Physician, Associate Professor, graduated from Shanghai Second Medical University (now Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine) with a doctoral degree in medicine and subsequently obtained a master's degree in science from Universite Paris-Sud (Paris 11) in France. She has been actively engaged in clinical plastic surgery for more than 30 years in the world-renowned Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital. She is highly proficient in various types of plastic surgery. Dr. Wang performs her surgeries with delicacy, in pursuit of high satisfcation and natural results.

    In the field of reconstructive surgery, Dr. Wang has many years of clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of various congenital and acquired deformities and has formed a personal academic system with distinctive characteristics, especially in burn deformities (jaw-neck adhesions, claw-shaped hands), body surface scars/tumors, and organ reconstruction (ear reconstruction, nasal reconstruction).

    Dr. Wang has also made remarkable achievements in the field of aesthetic surgery. She is proficient at aesthetic surgeries, including blepharoplasty, bagged-eyelid surgery, orbital fat transferring, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, breast reduction, abdominoplasty, facial skin tightening, otoplasty, armpit odor correction, etc. She has actively pioneered, innovated and designed a series of novel and advanced surgical procedures, which have been applied clinically. Dr. Wang has also carried out many clinical and basic research studies, published dozens of papers in top academic journals, trained dozens of students, and contributed to the development of plastic surgery in China.

    Specialty: aesthetic plastic surgery, scar revision, skin tumor resection.


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