WANG Hongxiang (External Specialist), MD

    • Department:
      • Male Sexual Dysfunction Clinic
      • Circumcision Clinic
      • Vasectomy Service
      • Varicocele Clinic
    • Location:
      • Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai)
    • Languages:

    Wang Hongxiang, now a multi-practitioner of urology in Jiahui Health. He graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and is one of the earliest doctors in China specializing in andrology (not transferred from Urology). He has been exploring the clinical and scientific research of male diseases for 20 years. He advocates the combination of the concept of plastic surgery (aesthetic surgery) and technology (microsurgery).


    Male dysfunction

    Impotence, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, non-ejaculation, especially for newlyweds’ sexual disharmony, middle-aged premature aging, unique treatment programs could be provided.

    Male Vasectomy Sterilization

    Self-created "extremely minimally invasive and painless male sterilization", which can better protect the tissues around the vas deferens, eliminate recanalization, and greatly reduce postoperative complications.

    Plastic Circumcision

    Pure "manual method" excision surgery, including unaesthetic repair after surgery in other hospitals.

    Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment of Varicocele

    Self-created "skin layer by layer exfoliation method" under the microscope, which can minimize the recurrence rate and complication rate after surgery, including the secondary repair of postoperative recurrence in other hospitals.

    Prostatitis manipulation dredging treatment (Dr. Wang ONLY provide the service in Jiahui)

    Through self-created prostate manipulation massage, dredge the prostate tubule, induce prostatic fluid discharge, and improve the local swelling and pain symptoms of prostatitis, especially for non-infectious prostatitis.

    Male reproduction

    Evaluation of male fertility before pregnancy; Standardized + personalized diagnosis and treatment of azoospermia and severe oligoasthenospermia (good at male hormone regulation and sperm promotion treatment); Male sperm improved before IVF; Analysis of habitual abortion (evaluation of male factors, fetal chromosomal abnormalities)

    Adolescent sexual health counselling/training

    Dr. Wang has 15 years of training and guidance experience in "Sexual and Reproductive Health" at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He works in the Department of Urology, Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and Shanghai Institute of Andrology. He is the leader of the male fertility team, the leader of the male infertility surgical treatment team, the instructor of the microsurgery training class of Renji Andrology, and is responsible for the microsurgery teaching of the training doctors of Renji Andrology. His tutors are Professor Wang Zhong and Professor Cheng Kaixiang, the top experts of plastic surgery of male reproductive system in China.

    Dr. Wang is also a content expert of Male Reproduction and secretary of the research office of Sex Medicine at Shanghai-Ottawa Joint Medical College. He is the lecturer for Sex & Health in Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Secretary of Reproductive Health Education Department, Shanghai Renji Clinical College of Medicine; Member of Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE).


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