Catherine YUE, MD

Dr. Catherine YUE serves as a pediatrician at Jiahui Health. She graduated with a Bachelor of Medical degree from Soochow University School in 2006 and obtained a Master of Public Health from Naval Medical University. Dr. YUE has been engaged in clinical work in pediatrics and children's health care for over 10 years at the Maternity & Child Health Hospital and Shanghai Tongren Hospital. She went to Canada to study and participate in early childhood education and behavioral intervention from 2017.11 to 2022.4. She completed the programs of Early Childhood Development Science and Autism and Behavioral Science. She has accumulated rich practical experience in behavioral intervention and early education for children with special needs (Autism, ADHD, Developmental Delay). Dr. YUE specializes in child growth and vaccination consultation, developmental behavioral problems and intervention, child emotion management, as well as diagnosis and treatment of respiratory system and digestive system and other common pediatric diseases.
Dr. YUE is certified in Basic Life Support (BLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support(PALS). She is a member of the Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis.
LYU Jianwei(External Specialist), MD,PhD


Dr. HUANG Jie currently serves as a general pediatrician at Jiahui Health. Dr. HUANG graduated from Hubei University of Medicine in 2007, major in Clinical Medicine Science and obtained her Master's Degree of Pediatrics in Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University in 2015. Prior to Jiahui Health, she worked for Shanghai Changning District Maternal & Child Health Hospital and Children's Hospital of Fudan University. She has more than 10 years’ of experience as pediatrician, competent in General Pediatrics with special interest in Gastroenterology and Wellness. She specializes in screening for common Pediatric Endocrine conditions such as dwarfism and precocious puberty.
Keiko YANO, MD

Dr. Keiko YANO obtained her medical degree from Nagoya City University in Japan. She completed her junior and senior internal medicine residency in Japan at Shonan Kamakura Hospital and Iizuka Hospital respectively. Thereafter, Dr. Yano completed her family medicine training at Mie University, Japan.
She has been a family medicine physician for many years and has also held a family medicine teaching position.
Dr. Yano has a personal interest in psychological counseling and has undergone the relevant training. She specializes in travel medicine and enjoys giving seminars to the general public to promote primary prevention. She has practiced medicine in Shanghai for more than ten years.
Dr. Yano is a strong supporter of patient-centered care. She believes that doctors should not only treat diseases; they should also help their patients to understand their illnesses and choose the most appropriate treatment approach. She sincerely listens to her patients and always welcomes any questions from them.
LIU Dongming(External Specialist), MD

上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院泌尿外主任医师,教授,硕士研究生导师。刘东明医生师从中国泌尿外科泰斗江鱼教授,1992 -1994年2月师从国际著 名泌尿外科大师, 意大利Padova大学泌尿外科研究所 F. Pagano教授。是仁济医院泌尿外科腹腔镜手术的开创者,所带领的医疗团队至今积累了2万余例各种腹腔镜手术。刘东明医生也是意大利Padova大学泌尿外科研究所客座教授,美国加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)访问学者, 上海泌尿外科微创学组副组长,上海市泌尿外科疾病会诊中心高级专家。
刘东明医生从事一线泌尿科临床工作30余年,精通泌尿外科疾病的诊治,擅长泌尿外科微创手术,尤其是泌尿系统肿瘤的治疗,包括各类复杂性肾肿瘤、肾上腺疾病,前列腺和膀胱肿瘤等疾病的腹腔镜手术,复杂性肾癌、双侧肾肿瘤、独肾肿瘤、 伴腔静脉癌栓和巨大肾上腺肿瘤的外科治疗。刘东明医生在国内外首次提出肾肿瘤靶血管概念,独创了3D成像技术-零缺血腹腔镜下肾肿瘤保肾手术,目前已开展了500例以上的手术。
ZHU Hong, MD

Dr. ZHU Hong serves as a multi-practice andrologist at Jiahui Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center.
He is currently an attending physician at the Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University (Shanghai Red House OB & Gyn Hospital) and the Human Sperm Bank of Fudan University.
Dr. Zhu specializes in the treatment of male infertility including oligo- and teratozoospermia, especially in the microsurgical treatment of azoospermia and varicocele; he also has extensive experience in the treatment of male sexual dysfunction, chronic prostatitis and other common male diseases.
Dr. Zhu Hong is a member of the andrology board of the Reproductive Medicine Committee of the Shanghai Society of Integrative Medicine, and a young member of the Reproductive Branch of the Shanghai Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Joan ZHONG is a Family Medicine Physician at Jiahui Health. Dr. Zhong was awarded a bachelor's degree in clinical medicine in 2010 and a master's degree in endocrinology and metabolic diseases from Nanjing Medical University in 2013. She completed the training of internal medicine including cardiovascular medicine, respiratory medicine, gastroenterology and endocrinology at Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital. Dr. Zhong has 8 years of medical work experience and participated in family medicine Fellowship Program of Jiahui Health from 2019 to 2021. She has studied at Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, 6th People’s hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, Pediatric Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Fudan University and Jiahui International Hospital.
Dr. Zhong specializes in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, thyroid disease and so on. She has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of common internal, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics disease and sexually transmitted diseases. Dr. Zhong understands that family medicine is about prevention, treatment, and health care, focusing on patient's whole picture rather than single disease itself, Dr. Zhong knows the importance of referring patients to specialists on time if necessary, while continuing to take care of the patient.
Dr. Zhong is certified in Basic Life Support (BLS), Adult Advanced Life Support (ACLS), Children's Advanced Life Support (PALS), Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), Family Medicine and Endocrinology.
License no. :110310000047343
Sean WANG(External Specialist), MD, PhD

Chief Physician
Consultant of Urology at Jiahui Hospital
Clinical Experience:
Dr. Sean WANG is Vice Director, Urology Center, Shanghai General Hospital (China) and Director, Department of Urologic Oncology, Shanghai General Hospital (China). He also is Professor, Department of Urology, Huashan Hospital of Fudan University (China) and has been Visiting Doctor, Department of Urology and OB-GYN, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University (Canada), and in Cleveland Clinic at the department of Urology, and a Visiting Professor, Center for Male Reproductive Medicine & Micro Surgery Department of Urology, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell University (USA).
Dr. Sean Wang is an experienced senior specialist of Urology and Andrology with over 25 years working experience. He specializes in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery for urinary system cancer(kidney cancer, bladder tumor, prostate cancer, adrenal tumor) and comprehensive treatment of andrology diseases (varicocele, hematospermia, prostatitis, male infertility, male sexual dysfunction, vasectomy, microsurgical vas reversal, etc.).
Jane LI, MD

Dr. Jane LI is currently an attending Hospitalist at JiaHui International Hospital. Dr. Li obtained her Bachelor of Medicine degree from Nantong Medical School in 2008. She then completed her residency training and fellowship training at Pudong New Area People’s Hospital. Prior to joining Jiahui, she worked on cardiology team at Fudan University Minhang Hospital in 2013-2015, passed the US Medical License Exam and completed one-year international physician exchange in the US in 2016-2020. Dr. Li joined Jiahui as a fellow of “Renji - Jiahui Hospitalist training program”. During the two years, she focused on learning of patient-centered care, evidence-based medicine, medical safety and quality in the inpatient setting. Dr. Li is familiar with internal medicine, pain management, and perioperative care. She has dedicated her work to patience-centered care in the setting of multicultural.
Dr. Li is also certified in Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) by American Heart Association (AHA).
WANG Bibo(External Specialist), MD, PhD

Dr. WANG Bibo is an Orthopedic consultant at Jia Hui Health.
Clinical Experience:
Dr. Bibo Wang is an experienced orthopedic foot and ankle specialist and podiatrist with over 20 years working experience.
Dr. Bibo Wang specializes in the treatment of :
• fracture and dislocation of foot and ankle
• traumatic or degenerative osteoarthritis of foot and ankle
• sports related foot and ankle injuries (such as Achilles tendon rupture, ankle ligament injury, ankle instability, osteochondral lesion of talus and etc.)
• foot and ankle deformity (such as hallux valgus (bunion), flat foot, tarsal coalition, cavovaurs foot, pes equinus, neurogenic foot and ankle deformity, Hammertoes & Claw Toes and etc.)
• foot and ankle screening, customized insole
• biomechanical correction of ingrown toenails and paronychia
• comprehensive treatment of diabetic foot and ankle
• heel pain, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuromas, corns, calluses, etc.
Academic Achievement:
• International Member, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS)
• Member, SIOCT Chinese Foot and Ankle Committee
• Member of Chinese Orthopaedic Association (COA)
• Member of Chinese Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons (CAOS)
• Deputy Chief Editor, Foot and Ankle Specialty of Orthonline
• Editorial Board Member and Reviewer, Foot and Ankle Specialist
• Reviewer, International Journal of Foot and Ankle, International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine
• Visiting Researcher in the Department of Orthopedics of Utah University (U.S.A) and a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Orthopedics of Liestal Hospital in Basel (Switzerland).
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