Probiotics are live organisms that provide therapeutic or preventative benefits for the host.

    There are more than 20 kinds of probiotics used in China, mainly including bifidobacterium, lactobacillus, clostridium butyricum, saccharomyces boulardii, enterococcus, bacillus licheniformis, and bacillus cereus. Unlike other drug labels, the amount of probiotics is represented by the number of colony-forming units (CFU) in each package, which corresponds to the number of live bacteria. The clinical use of probiotics in JIAHUI hospital is summarized in the attached table.

    Recommended common applications of probiotics
    1. Acute diarrhea The main treatment principles of acute diarrhea are the prevention and treatment of dehydration continued feeding and rational use of drugs, etc. Probiotics can shorten the course of diarrhea and reduce the length of hospital stay. It is recommended to use bratella yeast powder, bifidobacteria triple viable powder, bifidobacteria quadruplex viable tablet, bacillus subtilis double viable tablet, clostridium caseinate viable powder, clostridium caseate double viable tablet, bacillus licans viable pellets, compound lactic acid bacteria capsule, lactobacillus bifidi triple viable tablet/enteric capsule.

    2. Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea (AAD) The occurrence of AAD is related to the type and course of antibiotics used, the patient's age, length of hospital stay, complications, and other factors. Taking probiotics together with antibiotics can significantly reduce the incidence of AAD and reduce the degree of AAD. It is recommended to use yeast blabella, clostridium tyrosate, bifidobacterium bifidum, lactobacillus bifidum, clostridium tyrosate, bacillus subtilis, and bacillus licheniformis.

    3. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) It is recommended to use bifidobacterium treble viable capsules, bacillus subtilis two viable enteric capsules, bifidobacterium four viable tablets and clostridium tyrosinate viable capsules.

    4. Treatment of lactose intolerance Probiotics assisted in the treatment of lactose intolerance in infants can significantly shorten the course of treatment and hospital stay. It is recommended to use lactobacillus bifidum triple viable tablet, bacillus subtilis double viable pellets, bifidobacteria triple viable powder, and clostridium caseate double viable powder.

    5. Functional constipation Probiotics can improve fecal intestinal transportation time, enhance intestinal movement frequency, significantly improve defecation frequency and fecal viscosity, relieve defecation pain and difficult symptoms, and reduce the recurrence rate of functional constipation. It is recommended to use bifidobacteria triple viable powder/enteric capsule, lactobacillus bifidobacteria triple viable tablet, bacillus subtilis double viable pellets, clostridium tyrosinate double viable powder, bacillus brabella and bacillus licheniformis.

    Be paid attention to in the use of probiotics
    Probiotics should be taken with cold, warm water or milk. Probiotics are living microorganisms and advise spacing probiotics at least 2 hours apart from antibiotics. And a probiotic that contains yeast. Saccharomyces, Clostridium Butyricum, and bacillus are not sensitive to antibiotics and can be used together with antibiotics.


    1. 中华预防医学会微生态学分会儿科学组,益生菌儿科临床应用循证指南,中国实用儿科杂志 2017 年 2 月第32 卷第 2 期



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